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The opening page will feature an explanation of the project. It will clearly state the goal of the site, which is to show clear links between the National Football League and Religion. It will also feature a brief synopsis of what each section of the site is about.


This will give a point-by-point history of the league. Starting from the leagues founding through to today focusing on important moments in league history. This will be done to give context for the league so it can be seen how far the league has come from its humble origins into a vast athletic empire.


This will examine how football can be seen as a religion in American culture. It will draw on similarities between the two groups. Things like rituals, saints, influences, and fans acting as followers will be featured.


This will examine how football is used to push religious ideals. Fair play, sacrifice, hard work, perseverance, seasonal resurrection, players using the media as platform will be looked into.


Player’s pre and post-game prayer circles will be examined and the way that players ask God to send them the strength to be better than there opponents as well after the game when they thank God for his help in the game. This will also include fans praying for a team victory.


This section will focus on the recent religious phenomenon, Tim Tebow. It will discuss his rise to fame in college football and how when he went to the NFL he became a superstar; Tebow used his time in the spotlight to talk about faith. Tebow became a national sensation and the butt end of a joke. This section will also feature a video from Saturday Night Live making fun of Tebow and his devoutness. There will also be another video that features Tebow thanking God repeatedly and talking that his faith is what is really important to him.


This section will focus on the religious aspects in individual plays. Certain plays have seemed so unbelievable they can only be described as miracles, from the “Holy Roller” to the “Miracle in the Meadowlands”. Hail Mary passes will also be featured and their religious origin will be explored.

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